
Release 0.0.1

This release includes the following modules:


Pipeline Category Status/Changes
Short-Read Illumina, Paired-End Alignment New pipeline added
Long-Read PacBio HiFi Alignment New pipeline added
Long-Read Oxford Nanopore Alignment New pipeline added
Short-Read Aligned, Paired-End (BAM) Quality Control New pipeline added
Long-Read Aligned (BAM) Quality Control New pipeline added
Short-Read Unaligned (FASTQ) Quality Control New pipeline added


Software Category Version Commands Source
BWA Aligner 0.7.17 - Sentieon 202308.01
pbmm2 Aligner 1.13.0 - -
minimap2 Aligner 2.26 - Sentieon 202308.01
Picard Utilities 3.0.0 - -
Picard Utilities 2.9.0 MarkDuplicates Sentieon 202308.01
GATK Utilities - -
GATK Utilities 3.8 RealignerTargetCreator, IndelRealigner Sentieon 202308.01
GATK Utilities 4.1 BaseRecalibrator, ApplyBQSR Sentieon 202308.01
methylink Utilities 0.6.0 - -
Samtools Utilities 1.17 - -
Bcftools Utilities 1.17 - -
fastp Utilities 0.23.2 - -
FastQC Quality control v0.12.0 - -
NanoPlot Quality control 1.42.0 - -

Commands: subset of commands used from the corresponding version; Source: source for the software, when it’s not the original release