For alignment, the pipeline uses pbmm2 on each unaligned BAM file. The software also sorts the reads by genomic coordinates and links methylation and other tags, if present. An integrity check is then performed on the resulting BAM file.
pbmm2 align --sort --strip --unmapped reference.fasta unaligned.bam sorted.bam
dq, dt, ip, iq, mq, pa, pc, pd, pe, pg, pm, pq, pt, pv, pw, px, sf, sq, st
.To confirm the integrity of the alignment BAM file, in-house Python code checks for the presence of the 28-byte empty block representing the EOF marker in BAM format.
The pipeline is using pbmm2 version 1.13.0, which utilizes minimap2 version 2.26. It’s important to note that pbmm2 sets some defaults that may differ from the standard minimap2.
Default set by pbmm2 for minimap2:
tag are set using -L
.Note: Due to multi-threading the output alignment ordering can differ between multiple runs with the same input parameters. The same can occur even with option --sort for records that align to the same target sequence, the same position within that target, and in the same orientation, which are the only fields that samtools sort uses.