
Read Groups

A read group (@RG) is a unique identifier that group reads together, capturing relevant information about the sample and the sequencing process and technology, utilized by various downstream bioinformatics tools.

The relevant fields in defining a read group include:

Mandatory Description (DS) Information
Key Value Specification Example
BINDINGKIT Binding kit part number 102-739-100
SEQUENCINGKIT Sequencing kit part number 102-118-800
BASECALLERVERSION Basecaller version number 5.0
FRAMERATEHZ Frame rate in Hz 100
CONTROL TRUE if reads are classified as spike-in controls, otherwise CONTROL key is absent TRUE
Optional Description (DS) Information
Key Value Specification Example
BarcodeFile Name of the FASTA file containing the sequences of the barcodes used m84046_230828_225743_s2.barcodes.fasta
BarcodeHash The MD5 hash of the contents of the barcoding sequence file e7c4279103df8c8de7036efdbdca9008
BarcodeCount The number of barcode sequences in the barcode file 113
BarcodeMode Experimental design of the barcodes. Must be Symmetric/Asymmetric/Tailed or None Symmetric Symmetric
BarcodeQuality The type of value encoded by the bq tag. Must be Score/Probability/None Score

Assigning Read Groups

During the alignment process using pbmm2, the original read groups from the unaligned BAM files are linked and maintained in the corresponding alignment BAM files. In-house bash code that utilizes samtools replaces SM and LB information with the correct identifiers used by the portal, as follows:

E.g., in BAM file:

@RG	ID:f115ea06/25--25	PL:PACBIO	DS:READTYPE=CCS;Ipd:Frames=ip;PulseWidth:Frames=pw;BINDINGKIT=102-739-100;SEQUENCINGKIT=102-118-800;BASECALLERVERSION=5.0;FRAMERATEHZ=100.000000;BarcodeFile=metadata/m84046_230828_225743_s2.barcodes.fasta;BarcodeHash=e7c4279103df8c8de7036efdbdca9008;BarcodeCount=113;BarcodeMode=Symmetric;BarcodeQuality=Score	LB:SMACUBS146SV.SMALIRA4HLNS	PU:m84046_230828_225743_s2	SM:SMACUBS146SV	PM:REVIO	BC:ACGCACGTACGAGTAT	CM:R/P1-C1/5.0-25M

Source Code

All the relevant code is accessible in the GitHub repository:

Home - Overview - Alignment - Read Groups - Methylation and Tags