A read group (@RG
) is a unique identifier that group reads together, capturing relevant information about the sample and the sequencing process and technology, utilized by various downstream bioinformatics tools.
The relevant fields in defining a read group include:
Key | Value Specification | Example |
BINDINGKIT | Binding kit part number | 102-739-100 |
SEQUENCINGKIT | Sequencing kit part number | 102-118-800 |
BASECALLERVERSION | Basecaller version number | 5.0 |
FRAMERATEHZ | Frame rate in Hz | 100 |
CONTROL | TRUE if reads are classified as spike-in controls, otherwise CONTROL key is absent | TRUE |
Key | Value Specification | Example |
BarcodeFile | Name of the FASTA file containing the sequences of the barcodes used | m84046_230828_225743_s2.barcodes.fasta |
BarcodeHash | The MD5 hash of the contents of the barcoding sequence file | e7c4279103df8c8de7036efdbdca9008 |
BarcodeCount | The number of barcode sequences in the barcode file | 113 |
BarcodeMode | Experimental design of the barcodes. Must be Symmetric/Asymmetric/Tailed or None Symmetric | Symmetric |
BarcodeQuality | The type of value encoded by the bq tag. Must be Score/Probability/None | Score |
During the alignment process using pbmm2, the original read groups from the unaligned BAM files are linked and maintained in the corresponding alignment BAM files. In-house bash code that utilizes samtools replaces SM
and LB
information with the correct identifiers used by the portal, as follows:
<sample name>
<sample name>.<library>
E.g., in BAM file:
@RG ID:f115ea06/25--25 PL:PACBIO DS:READTYPE=CCS;Ipd:Frames=ip;PulseWidth:Frames=pw;BINDINGKIT=102-739-100;SEQUENCINGKIT=102-118-800;BASECALLERVERSION=5.0;FRAMERATEHZ=100.000000;BarcodeFile=metadata/m84046_230828_225743_s2.barcodes.fasta;BarcodeHash=e7c4279103df8c8de7036efdbdca9008;BarcodeCount=113;BarcodeMode=Symmetric;BarcodeQuality=Score LB:SMACUBS146SV.SMALIRA4HLNS PU:m84046_230828_225743_s2 SM:SMACUBS146SV PM:REVIO BC:ACGCACGTACGAGTAT CM:R/P1-C1/5.0-25M
All the relevant code is accessible in the GitHub repository: